Bandwidth Update Impact in Multi-Domain Software Defined Networking

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Franciscus Xaverius Ari Wibowo
Mark A Gregory


Software Defined Networking, Multi-Domain, telecommunications, data communications, gateway


The rapid growth of data transmission over digital networks, especially of delay sensitive traffic, has meant that research into improved networking has increased. Network domain boundaries are key points in the network where service provisioning, flow control, and management occur between organizations. This paper presents a flexible automated approach that utilizes Software Defined Networking (SDN) to carry out provisioning, control and management functions at domain boundaries. We propose a multi-domain SDN provisioning framework and a domain boundary bandwidth update algorithm to improve link performance between domains. Simulations were carried out using data captured from a carrier to enterprise network link. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides improved service fulfillment, lower packet loss probability and higher benefit-to-cost ratio compared to other approaches.

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