Efficiency Evaluation for Femtocell Spectrum Access in LTE-Advanced

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Omar Arafat
Mark A Gregory http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4631-6468


Telecommunications, Wireless, Mobile Cellular


Femtocells are considered one of the ultimate solutions for the ever increasing demand in LTE-Advance. Recently, wireless industries have resorted to femtocell networks in order to enhance indoor coverage and quality of service since macro-antennas fail to reach these objectives. In enabling indoor home or enterprise users with mobile broadband solutions, role of femtocells are crucially important. While considering low cost solutions for higher coverage and data rate, femtocells apparently have one of the best potentials for indoor users. Due to the dense self-deployment of femtocells in a limited area, serious inter-femtocell interference (IFI) may cause, which consequently results in severe performance degradation. To mitigate the IFI and utilize spectrum resource more efficiently, this paper proposes a cluster based femtocell deployments along with a capacity based cognitive resource allocation scheme .Three different channel configurations in a hybrid access femtocell network are considered for performance analysis. The results of a performance analysis of the cluster based femtocell configurations in a priority based users’ network are presented.
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