Increased Network Monitoring Support through Topic Modelling

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Joe Steinhauer
Anders Åhlén
Tove Helldin
Alexander Karlsson
Gunnar Mathiason


Topic Modelling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Anomaly Detection, Root Cause Detection, Telecommunication Networks, Network Performance Monitoring


To ensure that a wireless telecommunication system is reliably functioning at all times, root-causes of potential network failures need to be identified and remedied, ideally before a noticeable network performance degradation occurs. Network operators are today observing a multitude of key performance indicators (KPIs) and are notified of possible network problems through alarms issued by different parts of the network. However, the number of cascading alarms together with the number of observable KPIs are easily overwhelming the operator’s cognitive capacity. In this paper we show how exploratory data analysis and machine learning, in particular topic modelling, can assist the operator when monitoring network performance and identifying anomalous network behaviour as well as supporting the operator’s analysis of the anomaly and identification of its root-cause.

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