Frequency-Adaptive Approach In IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Body Sensor Networks: Continuous-Assessment or Periodic-Assessment?

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Amir Hossein Moravejosharieh


internal interference, wireless body sensor network, frequency-adaptive, frequency hopping


IEEE 802.15.4 is arguably considered as a well
designed standard protocol to address the need for low-rate, low-
power and low-cost Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs).
Within a WBSN, Node‘s communication occurs during their
confined active periods. The increase in number of active WBSNs
would consequently result in the elevation of the overlapping ratio
between the active periods of neighbouring WBSNs. In this paper,
we address the interference caused by neighbouring WBSNs
and its devastating consequences. Additionally, two frequency
adaptive approaches are proposed as the solutions for decreasing
the negative impacts of internal intereference. Frequency hopping
could be considered as a possible approach to alleviate the
WBSNs performance degradation due to such interference. In
that regard, two frequency-adaptive approaches are proposed
namely: “Continuous-Assessment” and “Periodic-Assessment”
schemes and are compared with previously introduced “Initial-
Choice” and “Blind-Choice” schemes in terms of channel util-
isation, success rate, Satisfaction rate and energy consumption
(both sensors and coordinator). Eventually, it is concluded that
Continuous-Assessment scheme outperforms the other introduced
schemes in terms of above-mentioned performance measures.

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