The critical role of structural hole in forming trust for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks

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Ming Xiang
William Liu
Quan Bai
Adnan Al-Anbuky


Wireless sensor networks, Trust and reputation managment, Adaptive networks, Structural hole, Topological metrics


The security issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are crucial and the limitation of computing resources and distributed properties of WSN make the traditional security mechanisms no longer feasible in protecting WSN as in the wired networks. There is an emerging research area i.e., trust and reputation mechanisms, has been developed, as an alternative solution to tackle the security issues in WSNs. While the recent studies on trust are mainly focusing on the trust modelling so as to effectively detect and avoid malicious activities. In this paper, we propose to use adaptive network approach to investigate the interplay between the network entities' trust behaviour and their underlying topological connectivity. We have found that the structural hole has its unique position and efficiency on connecting different regional sub-networks, but on the other side, from the security perspective, it has risks of fragile in the network. The extensive simulation studies have confirmed that structure hole plays a critical role on both for securing WSNs and also enable network routing efficiency.
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