DVB-S2 Channel Estimation and Decoding in The Presence of Phase Noise for Non-Linear Channels

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Urvashi Pal
Horace L KING


DVB-S2, AWGN, Rician Channel, Rayleigh Channel, Correlated Phase Noise, Iterative Channel Estimation, BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, MATLAB


In a multipath fading channel of DVB-S2, smallscale
variations occur due to unwanted noise signal, which is
directly related to the impulse response of a radio channel. The
varying channel has to be estimated before decoding the signal at
the receiver for proper signal recovery. However, In the presence
of a time varying and correlated phase noise, proper estimation of
the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) becomes difficult. To
overcome this problem, a pilot-aided joint channel estimation and
decoding method is proposed to obtain the initial estimate of the
channel. This technique is reliable and important for satellite
communication as the Ku-band capacity is almost over crowded
and more satellite resources are needed. The results show that
Iterative Channel Estimation technique results in a lower BER and
improved signal quality for DVB-S2, which fine-tunes the system
for an efficient use of power and bandwidth of satellite resources.

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